Zara & Ashton will be speaking on the Tuesday, November 8th (10am) panel about "Harnessing Your Power" at TOW Youth Summit 2022. The summit will discuss all aspects of youth empowerment during the days of COP27 - with other youth voices from around the world!

Ashton & Zara (pictured left) join other youth activists around the globe. Their own journey started in 2019, when they both joined locally organised 'strikes for climate' at just 8 & 10yrs old!
Then they started Hidden Plastic in 2020, after taking part in Ocean Heroes Bootcamp (became Planeteer Alliance bootcamps in 2022). This was the first appearance of Sea Chicken...
Their recent campaign 'The PepsiCo Interceptor Challenge' - asking PepsiCo to help with the global plastic waste cleanup effort by sponsoring 20 The Ocean Cleanup Interceptors- started on Earth Day (April 22nd) 2022...and is still ongoing.