On Thursday the 27th April, I attended the book launch of ‘The Seaweed Revolution’ at the Natural History Museum in London.
Written by Vincent Doumeizel, this is a book about the wonders of seaweed and how it can be harnessed to help solve the climate crisis!
The original version of the book was written in French, and came out in 2022, so this was the book launch of the translated version!
The event had a talk with both Vincent, and some other people involved in the creation of the book. The speech was very inspiring, with so many aspects of seaweed mentioned, and also some live music from the Hay Sea Shanty Group, and a couple of songs performed by Vincent and the saxophonist …… including a version of the Beatles song “Help” with the words changed to “Kelp”!
Vincent Douziemel signing our books!
After the talk, there were a couple hours left of the event to spend networking. Since everyone who was there is actively involved in the seaweed industry, it was the perfect opportunity to meet some very interesting people, and have some great conversations!
Vincent was kind enough to introduce me to some key people at NotPla (a seaweed-based solution to plastic in packaging that can bio-degrade naturally), Flex-Sea (another bio-degradable alternative to plastic that specifies in a seaweed-based transparent film), and the Global Seaweed Coalition (previously called the Safe Seaweed Coalition)! I was awe-struck to meet such inspiring people, and wish I had had more time to talk with them all about what they are doing!
Flexi-Sea / Global Seaweed Coalition / Vincent (author) / me / Notpla
I also had the opportunity to meet some other like-minded people, who were as, if not more passionate about seaweed as I am! The venue was also exquisite and the event appeared to go very well. The room seemed to have a buzz of excitement to it!
It was a great opportunity to get in contact with some fellow seaweed enthusiasts and another exciting opportunity came out of it. More news on that coming in future blog posts... so be sure to stay tuned in!
Thank you so much Vincent and the event organisers for inviting me!